Share Capital
Share Capital Audit Case Example: ABC Manufacturing Company
ABC Manufacturing Company may have issued various classes of shares during the financial year or in the past, including common shares, preferred shares, or other equity instruments. Transactions related to share capital can include issuances, buybacks, and dividend payments, each impacting the company’s equity structure.
Audit Objective
To obtain reasonable assurance that transactions related to share capital are properly authorized, recorded, and disclosed in ABC Manufacturing Company’s financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
Types of Audit Evidence and Documentation for Share Capital Assertions
1. Existence
• Case: Verify the existence of issued share capital by reviewing board of directors’ minutes, share issuance documents, and registration documents filed with relevant authorities.
• Documentation: Document the inspection of evidence supporting the existence of share capital, including certificates, public filings, and resolutions authorizing share issuances.
2. Rights and Obligations
• Case: Confirm that the company has the rights to the proceeds from issued shares and obligations for any declared dividends or share buybacks.
• Documentation: Summarize the review of share issuance agreements and dividend declarations to verify the company’s rights to funds received and obligations to shareholders.
3. Completeness
• Case: Ensure all share capital transactions during the period are recorded in the financial statements.
• Documentation: Outline procedures for testing the completeness of share capital transactions, such as reconciling the shares issued as per board minutes with the shares recorded in the register and financial statements.
4. Valuation and Allocation
• Case: Assess the appropriate recording of share capital transactions at fair value or at par/nominal value as per the applicable financial reporting framework.
• Documentation: Document the evaluation of the accounting treatment of share capital issuances, including the application of fair value considerations where applicable and the allocation of proceeds between share capital and additional paid-in capital.
5. Presentation and Disclosure
• Case: Review the financial statements to ensure that share capital is correctly presented and disclosed, including the disclosure of authorized, issued, and fully paid shares, share classes, rights, preferences, and restrictions.
• Documentation: Note the assessment of presentation and disclosures related to share capital, verifying the accuracy and completeness of disclosures regarding the equity structure, changes during the period, and compliance with the financial reporting framework.
6. Assessment of Internal Controls over Share Capital
• Case: Evaluate the design and implementation of internal controls over the authorization, issuance, and recording of share capital transactions.
• Documentation: Document the review of internal controls related to share capital, identifying any control deficiencies and their implications for the audit approach.
7. Inquiries of Management and Legal Counsel
• Case: Perform inquiries with management and, if necessary, legal counsel regarding compliance with laws and regulations in share capital transactions and any pending or potential equity-related disputes.
• Documentation: Summarize inquiries and consultations, including management’s and legal counsel’s explanations that support the treatment of share capital transactions.
8. Communication with Those Charged with Governance
• Case: Discuss significant findings related to the audit of share capital with management and those charged with governance, especially any issues that could affect the financial statements.
• Documentation: Prepare a summary of communications regarding share capital, including discussions about the authorization, recording, and disclosure of share capital transactions and any adjustments or disclosures resulting from the audit.
The audit of share capital is crucial for ensuring the equity structure is appropriately represented in the financial statements. Documenting the audit procedures and findings related to each relevant assertion for share capital provides a basis for the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements, enhancing the transparency and reliability of reported equity information. This comprehensive approach helps stakeholders understand the company’s financing structure and changes in ownership interests.