Subordination Agreements

Subordination Agreements Audit Case Example: ABC Manufacturing Company


ABC Manufacturing Company may enter into subordination agreements as part of its financing strategy. These agreements can influence the terms and conditions under which debt is provided, impacting the company’s leverage and the perceived risk by other creditors and investors.

Audit Objective

To obtain reasonable assurance that subordination agreements are properly recognized, accurately reflected, and disclosed in ABC Manufacturing Company’s financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.

Types of Audit Evidence and Documentation for Subordination Agreements Assertions

1. Existence

Case: Verify the existence of subordination agreements by reviewing executed agreements and confirming terms with involved parties, if necessary.

Documentation: Document the identification and examination of existing subordination agreements, including details of the parties involved and the date of agreement.

2. Rights and Obligations

Case: Assess the company’s rights and obligations under the subordination agreements, including any restrictions or conditions that affect the company’s financial flexibility.

Documentation: Summarize the review of the terms and conditions of subordination agreements to verify the company’s rights and obligations and how they are reflected in the financial statements.

3. Completeness

Case: Ensure that all subordination agreements entered into by the company are recorded and disclosed in the financial statements.

Documentation: Outline procedures for ensuring the completeness of subordination agreements in the financial records, such as reconciling the list of agreements to disclosures and financial statement notes.

4. Valuation and Allocation

Case: Consider the impact of subordination agreements on the valuation of reported liabilities, especially in terms of interest rates, repayment terms, and potential for conversion or modification.

Documentation: Document the assessment of how subordination agreements affect the valuation and allocation of financial liabilities, including any implications for interest expense and the classification of debt.

5. Presentation and Disclosure

Case: Review the financial statements to ensure that subordination agreements and their effects are adequately disclosed in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.

Documentation: Note the evaluation of disclosures related to subordination agreements, ensuring that the nature, terms, and financial impact of these agreements are clearly communicated to users of the financial statements.

6. Assessment of Internal Controls

Case: Evaluate internal controls related to the identification, recording, and disclosure of subordination agreements.

Documentation: Document the review of controls over the management of subordination agreements, including authorization, documentation, and reporting processes, identifying any deficiencies.

7. Inquiries of Management and Legal Counsel

Case: Perform inquiries with management and, if necessary, consult with legal counsel regarding the purpose, terms, and financial impact of subordination agreements.

Documentation: Summarize inquiries and consultations, including management’s explanations and any legal opinions that provide insight into the agreements’ significance and treatment.

8. Communication with Those Charged with Governance

Case: Discuss findings related to the audit of subordination agreements with management and those charged with governance, especially regarding any issues that could affect the financial statements.

Documentation: Prepare a summary of communications regarding subordination agreements, including discussions about the recognition, measurement, and disclosure of these agreements and any corrective actions taken.


The audit of subordination agreements is critical for ensuring that these financial arrangements are appropriately accounted for and disclosed in the financial statements. Documenting the audit procedures and findings related to each relevant assertion provides a basis for the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements. This detailed approach helps stakeholders understand the impact of subordination agreements on the company’s financial position and risk profile, supporting informed decision-making.


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